
Not the Girl you used to know

I lived like a teenage boy. Crazy Libido. "Free" Love. Invincible. Flaunted what i didn't have... and those were not the flaws.
"Knew" more ppl that i cared to focus on... I had other cool things on my plate.
Whenever i see a person from my past.. or I agree to hang out with them... they are still stuck on that girl. Years have passed... experiences had. opportunities taken. lessons practiced, failed and succeeded. I have been living my life. "You" haven't been in it. In that time... I have grown... I failed to make the assumptions that they probably did too. They always remind me what happens when you Ass.U.Me.
I played with vanity... always had the hair done- permed, braided, colored... HAD to be in some heeled shoe. Tailored and calculated each time i went out the house. In the shop, getting the toes done... getting my gel set filled and eyebrows waxed. Using makeup and all kinds of lip gloss and stains.
I just wanna say... I am not that girl.
Now I live in beauty. I've let go of the chemicals... and wear my hair fro'd out.... or in my 70s style blowout because i let my hair behave as it wants... and usually regardless how i "tame" it... it will always be big, thank you hair follicles. I wear heels when necessary, but i love flip flops in the summer, bare feet in my house, and a great pair of boots. I'm not as tailored anymore, but i have definitely found the mastery in what works for my body. I like my nails free- they never needed any help really, thanks to my dad... but none of that alteration that i used to do. I do not wear nail polish at all. My eyebrows... are wild... but they have always done their own arching... i won't lie... the wax is calling me. i wear lip balm... that gives me just enough shine but mainly... the lips are always soft and that matters more than making them look like an aroused vagina. and don't act like you didn't know that why lipstick was invented in the first place.
I just wanna say... I am no Longer that girl... I've become a woman... the kind of woman i'll be is still being written.

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